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Invitation to bid in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2023-03-15Updated:2023-03-15
Similar words: bid invitationinvitationinvitationalinvitation listinvitation cardcavitationlevitationgravitation
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1. When do you intend to start invitation to bid?
2. When do you intend to start the invitation to bid?
3. Article 7 Before the Invitation to Bid is released, it shall be affixed by an official seal and it will also carrying the signature of the person-in- charge of the tenderee or his agent.
4. Invitation to bid by bill of quantities has become the main type of tendering in the future.
5. The relevant provisions in the Law of Invitation to Bid and Bidding and Contract Law have severe deficiency which should be revised and perfected.
6. Where not bad the Beijing project invitation to bid information is find?
7. Can invitation to bid of the purchasing center of government information see woollen cloth in there?
8. In engineering phase,[] the engineering design should be optimized and the quota design and invitation to bid should be implemented.
9. To solicit offers from providers, the best-price purchase process relies on an Invitation to Bid (ITB), also known as Invitation to tender (ITT), Invitation for Bids (IFB), or Sealed Bids.
10. We have carefully reviewed the accuracy of all statements in this letter of invitation to bid and attachments hereto.
11. The main reviewing has no to jack up to take the fee cardinal number, take the fee category whether in accordance with the invitation to bid the document and contract for the request of the contract.
12. The engineering invites bids the iniquity that bid the inside is to compete behavior( also call to conspire the invitation to bid behavior) etc.
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